Friday, May 27, 2011

First Vacation away from Children, I'm a mess!!

Married, check.

Home, check.

Long road to having children, check.

Married 15 years this August, check.

Going on first vacation ever without children, soon to be a check.

Anxiety, mood swings, being overwhelmed, check, check, check....

I have no idea on how to deal with my first trip away from my children who are 8 and soon to be 5. I am a basket of nerves. I've just never been a parent who has left their child without either parent being there. All of the normal things go through my mind, should my husband and I take different flights just in case something where to happen? Is it smart to Skype with your children while your away or will that make it worse for both of you and for the person taking care of your children? What would you do? how would you handle it?

We are mind you doing a guilt trip with the kids a few months later to Disney World and have vowed never to go on another vacation without them until they are on their own. I'm also wondering if this trip will change my mind on all of the before mentioned? Maybe I'll enjoy it so much I'll want to do it again next year? But my close friends who know me I can cry at the drop of a hat and am a very emotional person even though I can put off a tough exterior when need be.I have been all over the map lately emotionally. Any ideas on how to get though this? I am looking forward to time alone with the hubby and not waking up with four people in bed and two kitty cats, but I'm also feeling I'll look forward to getting back to it to.

1 comment:

  1. When I went on our first vacation without the kids last fall, I was a wreck, too. It was so worth it, though, and it was much easier to go the next time.

    I gave my kids a little gift bag for every day that we were gone. That way, when they got the last one, they knew we were coming home. I also typed out the routine and emergency numbers for our caregivers.

    Before leaving, I totally underestimated the importance of spending time away without the kids. I think you will reconsider your vow, and maybe plan a trip sooner than you think!
