Friday, April 22, 2011

Organized or Un-Organized where do you fall?

Being organized, either you have it or you don't... which category do you fall into?  We'll I'll break the rules and say I fall into both!  I am very organized, to the point if you need a receipt from 3 to 5 years ago I can find it for you in less than 5 minutes, no joke, the hubby tested me on this and I won!!  But on the other hand I have piles of stuff everywhere...  It has a place, but for some reason I just don't put it where it belongs.  Instead I'll waste a day re-organizing my piles and putting the stuff where it belongs.  I know in my head it would be so much easier to just put it there in the first place, why don't I just do it???  Are you with me on this?  Do you do the same thing and to what extent?  I've watched talk shows about being organized and it always gets me in the mood to tare a closet apart and re-organize everything in it, it will last for a while, then you won't be able to open the door "again"!!

So my question to you, which category do you fall into?  And if you can't stay organized, how can we expect our children to be?  You know how we are always sending our kids to their rooms to clean and organize, but please please please don't open my closet, because my kids may just look at me in bewilderment!!

1 comment:

  1. In my mind...I am very organized. I stress out when things begin to scatter around (usually by Saturday night) and have a freak out session on Sunday picking up the piles we have managed to accumulate from Friday to Saturday. Then there are the freak out sessions when I walk into their room to kiss them good-night an realize that I will be lucky to make it out without a broken ankle. But in the end...I am in the middle!
